Trout Fishing Tips

If you don’t have an experienced fisherman to guide you in your fishing excursions, grab hold of the following tips and commit them to memory. You WILL catch more trout by using these techniques and suggestions. If you are going fishing, why not catch more fish and have the most fun you can?
Practice casting before you get to the water. That way, you can drop your lure right where you want it the first time and reduce the chances of spooking the fish.
Use a lightweight rod and reel. Trout, as a rule, are not big fish (unless you are fishing in Alaska maybe). You will feel the hits better with lighter equipment and also sense what the fish is doing as you play him.
Fish have a great sense of smell. Leave the cologne and aftershave at home. They won’t appreciate it. Avoid smoking if possible as the smell will transfer to line and lure.
They see well also, so dress to blend in with the background. The less they see of you, the better chance to hook some. When approaching the water, try acting more like a hunter and sneak up on it. Fish get spooked seeing fishermen walking around.
Approach a river fishing spot from downstream. There is a good chance the trout are facing upstream to watch for insects and other food floating downstream.
Fish also have an acute sense of hearing through vibrations in the water. Any walking around or dropping things in the water will send the warning signal to the fish to beware of humans with hooks. Keep the talking to a minimum and leave the radio at home to avoid disturbing the fish.
Trout congregate at certain areas of a stream. Learn where these are and fish them for all they are worth. “Read the water” when you first arrive to decide where to cast that bait or lure.
Trout like cool, well-oxygenated water, so one spot to find them is in a pool below a waterfall or rapids. This is where you will find the larger fish. Fish are territorial, so the smaller fish will be chased out of the prime locations. Trout will be nearer the surface when the water is cooler and deeper when the weather and the water are warmer.
Like most fish, love cover, so gets that fly or lure under overhanging banks and near rocks and floating logs. Drag it across their noses and entice them to come out and take a bite.
To conserve energy, trout won’t fight the current but will hang out just outside of the current in a stream and watch for food floating down. Make your fly float past them and they will be tempted to strike. Vegetation makes a nice hideaway for trout and provides the oxygen they crave. Carefully fish areas where plants are providing cover to coax a trout out of hiding. Trout feed most at dawn and dusk, so 45 minutes before and after these times will be the ideal window of opportunity.
Try to use bait that is obtained locally and that the fish would normally eat as prey. A local delicacy that a trout is familiar with will be more apt to be eaten when it is on the end of your fishing line. The same applies to lures and flies. Try to use those that look like some local creature that the trout already preys upon.
Practice catch and release if possible to ensure that there will be trout left for the future.
When unhooking a trout, wet your hands before handling him and handle as little and as gently as possible. The slime coating on the fish’s skin can be easily damaged and cause injury to the fish.
Hold a tired trout upright in the water while releasing until it swims away under its own power. Try to minimize the gear you carry. Use a fishing vest instead of a tackle box if possible. It is easier to move around if you are traveling light. Dressing in layers allows you to remove clothing if too hot and add layers if you are cold.
A hat, sunscreen and bug spray will be welcomed if you need them and longed for if you don’t have them. A little fishing etiquette is always in order, especially when around other fishermen. Try to follow the “Do unto others…” rule and respect the rights of other anglers. Don’t go splashing around where others are fishing and spook the fish on them.
Keep the noise down
Don’t intrude on a fishing spot that is already occupied by another fisherman.
And the best trout fishing tips and tricks of all – catch lots of fish and HAVE FUN!
- Jill Henry